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The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression Equality Bill, also known as the Anti-Discrimination Bill (ADB), is a bill that was proposed by the Congress of the Philippines. It is intended to prevent various economic and public accommodation-related acts of discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

Advocates React to SOGIE Equality Bill Arguments

We brought in different people and had them react to and explain the SOGIE Equality Bill.

the bill, summarized

all information was taken from: Divina Law

the purpose

The SOGIE Equality Bill is meant to fulfill the rights set forth in the 1987 constitution, particularly the equal protection clause. It recognizes the LGBTQ++ as equals and ensures that their rights are protected in as much as everyone’s is. The bill also acknowledges the Philippines duties under international law particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It thus recognizes the non-discrimination of the LGBTQ++ as both a national and international duty.

the specifics

The bill first introduces and defines the concepts of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, as well as other terms that are pertinent to the aforementioned.


It then lists the practices to be considered discriminatory and unlawful under the bill


The bill is not only punitive, but more importantly, is preventive. It orders the inclusion of SOGIE concerns in all police station activities and services, with the renaming of the Women and Children’s Desks to Women, Children, and LGBTQ++ Protection Desk, and the imposition of human rights based training on the police. It directs the promotion of nondiscrimination through social protection and diversity programs, and even incentivizes the positive portrayal of the LGBTQ++ in the media. A SOGIE Equality Oversight Committee shall be created to effectively implement the Act.

discriminatory acts

Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

  • their right to access public services

  • right to use establishments and services including housing

  • right to apply for a professional license

  • differential treatment of an employee or anyone engaged to render services

  • denial of admission to or expulsion from an educational institution

  • refusal or revocation of accreditation to any organization due to an individual’s SOGIE will also be penalized

  • the bill also deems as discriminatory the act of forcing any person to undertake any medical or psychological examination to alter his SOGIE

  • the publication of information intending to “out” a person without his or her consent, public speech meant to vilify LGBTQ++

  • the harassment and coercion of the latter by anyone especially those involved in law enforcement, and gender profiling

  • the prevention of the expression of children's SOGIE will also be penalized

  • any act of harassment or coercion directed to the LGBTQ+ is a discriminatory act under the SOGIE


Commission of any of the said acts will be meted out a fine of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand pesos (P100,000 to P500,000) or a prison sentence of one to six years (1 to 6 years), or both. Additionally, the court may impose community service in the form of attendance In human rights education.

  • documentation site
  • Facebook
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